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Sunday, January 24, 2010

New Teen Pick!

Beautiful Creatures by Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl
Reviewed by Suzanne M., Director

Beautiful Creatures is a new young adult novel by first-time authors Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl. It mix of Science Fiction, Fantasy, romance, the supernatural, and gothic elements is sure to excite teen readers.

Small, South Carolina town Gatlin never changes. No one new ever moves there and no one living there ever leaves. Ethan Wate is counting down the next two years until he can attend college far away from Gatlin, the memory of his mother, and his reclusive father. However, things begin to change in Gatlin when Lena Duchannes moves in with her uncle, the mysterious Macon Ravenwood. It turns out little Gatlin is full of big secrets, and nothing will ever be the same for Ethan Wate again.

Beautiful Creatures is a little lengthy, but readers will be satisfied they stayed with it. Told from the point of view of Ethan, it will appeal to both male and females. This book is available through the Chester County Library System. To learn more about Beautiful Creatures and its authors visit their website.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

"Check Out" City of Silver

City of Silver by Anna Maria Alfieri
Reviewed by Cathy S., Librarian

The medieval city of Potosi, high in the Peruvian mountains, is the setting for an intricate historical mystery. Author Alfieri immerses us in the culture, drama and dangers that beset the Spanish realm during the 17th century, with the Inquisition spreading even to the far barren reaches of this immensely wealthy city.

At the center is the sudden death of Inez de la Morada, the beautiful young daughter of Potosi’s mayor. At the time, Inez is under the care of Mother Abbess Maria Santa Hilda at the convent of Santa Isabella de los Santos Milagros. While the abbess conducts her own investigation into Inez’s untimely death, the Mayor and the local Commissioner of the Inquisition are determined to find their own answers. But another death tips the balance against the abbess.

With time running out, power, silver, and hidden secrets collide with the truths of what really happened. City of Silver is a fast-moving, intriguing story set against the rich backdrop of the New World.

City of Silver is available through the Chester County Library System. To learn more about author Anna Maria Alfieri, visit her website.